JESSE Q+A - December Edition

Thank you to everyone who sent in their questions on Instagram — I love hearing from all of you and I wish I could answer every question. Answering five of the most asked below :)

FYI I will be doing this at the end of every month so make sure you’re following my personal account on Instagram @jessegolden and subscribe to my email list HERE so you don't miss your question potentially being answered!



Q1: How to de-puff under eyes?

I get asked this question quite often. In fact, I feel like it is one of the most common questions that I have answered in the past. As I’ve mentioned before much of what can create puffy under eyes is the toxic build-up and water retention in the body.

This fluid loves to gather right under the eyes, making us look more tired or older than we are. My go-to's to help flush this fluid is gua sha with my Sorceress Stone. Unlike any other stone on the market, the Sorceress stone has over 20 anti-aging trace elements and negative ions to help increase circulation and lymphatic flow more effectively.

Another simple trick that isn't talked about often is simply making circles with your eyeballs. This helps to naturally stimulate flow into the eye sockets and decrease puffy eyes.

Q2: What is your age?

I just turned 44! I have always openly shared my age. I never understood the stigma of women not wanting to share their age. I’m proud to have been born in the ’70s. I’m all about celebrating aging because it’s an honor that many don’t get. We need to come back to honoring our elders. They are the wisdom keepers.

Q3: Can you explain why a moisturizer is not needed in your routine?

Technically speaking, an oil is a moisturizer. They are, however, not hydrators because you need water to hydrate. This is why I say it is critical to always apply oil to damp skin or, better yet, apply Aura Beauty Mist then Youth Beauty. This helps to restore and lock in moisture far better than any cream moisturizer.

See, Aura beauty Mist acts as a humectant that draws moisture from the deeper layers of the skin up to the surface to hydrate it and keep it healthy and plump. Face oils act as occlusives which form a barrier on the skin to protect it from losing moisture. This is why more mature and dry skin tends to love facial oils because they prevent water loss. A cream can act as both a humectant and an emollient, but when you apply oil to damp skin, you accomplish the same thing– moisture retention.

Ingredients and application are everything. When facial oils are applied correctly, there is no need for a cream moisturizer. The rule of thumb is to apply thinnest to thickest with products, but not all creams are as thick as oil; many are water-based and thin, so it's not always as simple as applying oil first.

Q4: Dull/lifeless skin during winter?

Winter skin is often caused more by indoor heating systems than nature itself. Although a shift in seasons can affect our skin. Some simple extra TLC can make the transition much smoother. The colder months have us spending more time indoors, and if we are lucky enough to have a fire, we can start there by sitting fireside as our ancestors did. The red infrared light is so healing not only to our body but to our skin as well. It’s the original red light therapy. Spending more time indoors also allows us to give ourselves more much-needed self-care. One of the greatest factors in creating a smooth transition to winter is shedding summer skin and replenishing it. Take these steps:

  1. Baking soda, sea salt, and Heal All Oil. Mix in the palm of your hand and gently scrub the face in small circular motions. Focus on the tone and don’t forget your neck and chest. 
  2. Warm your Glowing Facial Cloth under warm water and gently remove it. 
  3. Then put your cloth under hot water. The microfiber gathers steam; once it has gathered enough steam, simply place it on your entire face. Take a few deep breaths, then remove.
  4. Mix your Instant Glow Facial Mask with hot water, apply with the brush provided and remove once dry with your cloth.
  5. Mist or tone the face with Aura Beauty Mist. It’s important to keep the face hydrated and moist prior to applying your facial oil. This is what will lock in all the moisture, prevent water loss and replenish your skin so that it’s revitalized, plump and smooth.
  6. While the skin is still damp, apply Youth Beauty Face Oil

Q5: Jawline secrets?

I recently did a reel on this topic, not only for aesthetic reasons but for health reasons too. Our jawline really says a lot about our health, our diet, our nutrient deficiencies, and our breathing habits. One of the resources I share regarding TGS is our Sorceress Stone.

Sorceress Stone Gua Sha Beauty Tool has the ability to retrain the way the patterns of the face, muscles, and skin function- giving you a more sculpted look. The Sorceress Stone has therapeutic benefits & anti-aging trace elements that far exceed any other stone on the market.

Some other tools I share are mewing, chewing, nasal breathing, and more. You can learn more HERE.

xo jesse