Q & A With Inspiring People- Dr. Will Cole

Dr. Will Cole is a leading functional medicine expert who consults people around the globe, starting one of the first functional medicine telehealth centers in the world over a decade ago. Named one of the top 50 functional and integrative doctors in the nation, Dr. Will Cole specializes in clinically investigating underlying factors of chronic disease and customizing a functional medicine approach for thyroid issues, autoimmune conditions, hormonal imbalances, digestive disorders, and brain problems. He is also the host of the popular The Art Of Being Well podcast and was the co-host of Gwyneth Paltrow's lifestyle brand goop's first spinoff podcast ,the goopfellas podcast. He is the bestselling author of Ketotarian, The Inflammation Spectrum, and the New York Times bestseller Intuitive Fasting. 
I recently met Dr. Will Cole over zoom as he had me as a guest on his podcast, which I will share as soon as it releases but I have been following him ever since. He is a wealth of knowledge and shares in a very digestible, fun way. Excited to share some of his golden secrets with you!
1. What is one life hack that changed your life?
Intermittent fasting really took my health to the next level. Once I began to practice various fasting windows and learned what it meant to fast intuitively, I saw a huge shift in my health. It also inspired me to write my NYT-bestselling book, Intuitive Fasting. Even though fasting seems restrictive, it taught me - and what I teach others in my book - to pay attention to my hunger signals. Whether I fast or not, I know I am listening to my body and giving it what it needs from day to day.

2. What/who inspires you?
My family inspires me on a daily basis as well as my patients. I am continually amazed at how resilient people are. Our bodies are brilliantly designed and the mind-body connection is so real. Getting to be a part of a person's healing journey is so sacred and something I don't take for granted.

3. What is one ritual that you can't live without?
That would be my morning of earl grey tea with bergamot, since it helps increase the benefits of intermittent fasting and supports autophagy. I like to make myself a cup and enjoy a few minutes of quiet reflection each morning before I leave my house for a day filled consulting patients at my telehealth functional medicine clinic. It keeps me focused and grounds me for whatever the day has in store.

4. What is one non-negotiable for you?
The food I eat on a daily basis. After dealing with my own chronic fatigue early on in my career and the more I listen to my body, I know what foods fuel me and help me feel my best. It's not that I don't indulge every now and then with certain healthy "treats" like Zevia, but I know what ingredients make me feel less than optimal so those are non-negotiable for me.

5. What product (skincare, makeup, health product) are you currently obsessed with?
I collaborated with Agent Nateur on holi (mane), a daily collagen supplement to support hair, skin, and nail health. We made sure to source only the highest quality marine collagen and I've personally seen a dramatic difference in the appearance of my skin and strength of my hair and nails. 

6. What is one thing that is trending that you just can't get on board with?
I wouldn't say I'm not on board with it, but TikTok is a whole new world to me. I love the platform, enjoy making videos, and connecting with my audience in this way, but it's a beast of its own when it comes to content creation that is completely new to me. But it's an exciting feeling being able to grow in something my audience likes to see.

7. What is the best advice you ever received?
Stay in your own lane. You can always compare yourself to others, but focusing on what matters to you and creating what you want to create will resonate with people more than trying to "keep up" ever will. People crave authenticity.

8. Share your number one health hack
Don't make it complicated. The biggest things when it comes to wellness are: don't stress, listen to your body, and get moving. This is going to look different for everyone, but following these principles will lay the foundation for thriving health - whatever that means for you and your specific health case.

9. Tell us a book that changed your life
This might sound like a shameless plug, but all of the books I have written have changed my life. I have always wanted to write a book, so being able to put everything I've learned from my years of practicing functional medicine in a book was a surreal experience. I am constantly in awe seeing how much impact I am able to have in people's wellness journey through what I've written.

10. What is your #1 anti-aging secret?
Moving my body daily. Whether that's going for a walk or doing a Peloton workout, exercising helps me stay physically and mentally sharp.

11. What is your golden secret?
Give yourself grace. No one is perfect, and giving yourself grace when it comes to wellness can make or break your health journey. It's easy to get discouraged when you are less than "perfect" with your perceived diet or workout routine ideal. But stress can be just as detrimental to your health, if not more, than what you eat. By getting rid of dieting dogma and shame, you'll feel better and be able to see more sustainable, long-term changes in your health.

12. Where is the best place to follow along your journey?
I post daily on my IG @drwillcole and you can stay up-to-date by subscribing to our weekly email newsletter at drwillcole.com. You can also tune in to my The Art Of Being Well weekly wherever you listen to podcasts. - Dr. Will Cole, leading functional medicine practitioner, IFMCP, DNM, DC, and author of KetotarianThe Inflammation Spectrum, and Intuitive Fasting