Turn Your Coffee Into a Superfood Golden Latte
My super food, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulant, metabolic- boosting, energizing Golden latte. This is not your ordinary latte. With a couple extra ingredients added to your every day cup of Joe, you can be energized & feeling & looking your best!
Ingredients: Organic coffee beans Unsweetened organic almond milk (no soy!) MCT Oil or coconut oil Maca powder Organic ground cinnamon Organic ground turmeric Stevia or raw, organic honey Make your coffee as usual. Ground a fresh piece of turmeric ( about the size of your finger) and put into a cheese cloth to squeeze liquid out. ( use gloves to prevent staining hands) Put almond milk and turmeric juice into a sauce pan, add cinnamon to taste and heat for about 2 minutes. In your coffee cup, put one tablespoon of maca root along with one tablespoon of MCT oil or coconut oil. Add coffee and golden milk from saucepan into cup. Add stevia or raw honey to taste.
* It's the little changes you make every day that end up being the big changes over a lifetime.